Monday, April 23, 2007

Creating My Chicago Cubs Office

Cayen and I decided that due to the fact that we have to put in new carpet because of the water damage to the office, it was also time to get away from the bland white walls, as well. After I ended up picking out the ugliest color known to society, she suggested we go with some sort of blue and then the idea of creating a Cubs flavored room was born. Paint was bought and the sleeves were rolled up. Two coats of blue paint is done and the red stripe has been measured off with paint tape and one coat has been applied. I am planning on painting a Cubs logo on one of the walls, as well as decorating the walls with Cubs memorabilia. Here are some pics of what we have going on right now. The flash of the camera makes the color of the blue lighter than the actual color...

Cubs blue.

Guidelines for the red stripe.

Guidelines for the red stripe.

Painting the red stripe - Coat One.

Coat One of the red stripe.

Coat One of the red stripe.

Coat One of the red stripe.

My watchdog/helper.


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